If you’ve been reading our blog for some time now (we hope you have) then you know the importance of your script having a solid first 15 pages. But what does this mean exactly? In this article, we are breaking down how to get an executive to read past the first 15 pages of your screenplay.
Every screenplay needs an inciting incident. But what exactly is an inciting incident and how can you ensure your screenplay has one? In this article, we are breaking down inciting incidents and sharing three easy tips on how you can craft one for your next script.
REVIEW: YOUR PLACE OR MINE2/15/2023 YOUR PLACE OR MINE - Let's chat about setups and payoffs in screenplays and scripts. Now streaming on #Netflix. #SpoilerAlert
Pen Pals, it’s screenwriting fellowship season! But what exactly is a fellowship and how can you best prepare for the application process? In this article, we're answering all of your screenwriting fellowship questions with an exclusive interview with TPP Lead Story Expert, PAGES.
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